What's wrong 404?

What is a 404 error? Have you ever tried to access a specific page on the Internet and got a 404 error message? There is no doubt that many of us have encountered this error before, but what exactly is this error?

Error 404 is an error message that appears to the user on the Internet when he tries to access a specific page and this page does not exist on the server, and the word 404 comes from the standard number that This stands for HTTP error (HTTP), and therefore stands for "not found" In computer language.

When does an error occur 404?

A 404 error can occur if the page is deleted or moved to another site without updating its link, if an incorrect link is written, or if the server It suffers from certain technical problems.

Although this error looks annoying, it is a common error on the Internet and can be easily resolved by refreshing the page or rewriting the link properly .

What's wrong 404?

Error 404 is an error code that means that the file or page that the user is trying to access does not exist on the server, this error indicates that the server cannot find Resources required, and the 404 error code is mainly used in HTTP, which is used on the web.

Is there an error? 404 when changing file name?

Yes, a 404 error can occur when changing the file name, if the links referenced in the website are not updated with the new file name.

When you change the file name, the address that is used to access the file on the server changes, and if the addresses indicated in the website are not updated, they will point to a location It does not exist on the server, and when accessing it, a 404 error will be displayed.

To solve this problem, you must update the addresses indicated in the website with the new name of the file, as well as update the internal and external links that point to the old file, to point to the file The new one with the new name.

Redirection techniques (redirect) can be used to divert users from old addresses to new addresses, thus Avoid 404 errors.

Causes an error occurred 404

Error 404 can occur in several cases, including:

1- When you enter an incorrect URL or it does not exist on the server.

2- When the file or page that the user is trying to access is deleted from the server.

3- When moving a file or page to a new folder on the server without updating the links referenced on the website.

4- When changing the file or page name without updating the links referred to in the website.

5- When errors occur in server settings or software used to build the website.

How to avoid errors 404

To avoid a 404 error, you must ensure that the addresses entered on the website are correct, and update the referenced links in the event of a change in name, location, or location. Settings, as well as looking at server and website error reports to identify any problems that may occur.

Difficulty finding factors 404 errors

Difficulty finding 404 errors can be caused by several factors, including:

1- Lack of specific procedures for tracking 404 errors: It can be difficult to identify the presence of 404 errors if specific procedures for tracking and logging these errors are not established.

2- The large size of

3- Broken Internal Links: A 404 error can occur due to broken internal links on a website, and this can be difficult to pinpoint at times.

4- Broken External Links: It can be difficult to identify broken external links that point to pages that are not on the server.

5- Periodic Website Updates: Periodic website updates can cause new 404 errors, which means that your tracking and error checking procedures should be updated regularly .

To overcome these difficulties, web analysis tools can be used, which help in tracking errors and identifying their causes, and web design and development experts can be used to help solve these Bugs and improving site performance.

Actions to take To resolve and prevent 404 errors

Several measures can be taken to resolve 404 errors and prevent them from occurring in the future, including:

1- Update broken links: You must update broken links on the website that point to pages that do not exist on the server, and web analysis tools can be used to identify broken links Automatically.

2- Link redirection: redirection techniques can be used (redirect) to direct users from old addresses containing a 404 error to new pages containing the requested content.< /span>

3- Maintaining periodic site updates: Care must be taken to update the website periodically and update links and new pages on a regular basis.

4- Create a custom 404 error page: You can create a custom 404 error page that tells users that the page they are trying to access does not exist, and provides useful links to other pages On the website.

5- Using web analysis tools: Web analysis tools can be used to identify broken links and track errors periodically, and this helps in making sure that 404 errors do not occur in The future.

6- Communicating with a service provider Hosting: If the 404 error cannot be resolved due to errors in the settings The server or provider used, you must contact the hosting service provider to solve the problem.

Is it possible to avoid 404 errors entirely?

It is impossible to completely avoid 404 errors, sometimes these errors can occur due to reasons beyond our control such as broken links posted on other sites , or due to a server or network crash.

However, the occurrence of 404 errors can be greatly reduced by following some precautions, such as:

1- Ensure the validity of links: The validity of links on the website must be checked periodically, and updated in case of any changes.< /p>

2- Using redirection techniques: Redirection techniques (redirect) can be used to direct users from Addresses old 404 errors to new pages containing the requested content.

3- Using web analysis tools: Web analysis tools can be used to identify broken links and track errors periodically, and this helps in making sure that 404 errors do not occur in The future.

5- Communicate with the hosting service provider: You must contact the hosting service provider in the event that you are unable to solve the 404 error problem due to errors in the server or provider settings User.

Although it is impossible to completely avoid 404 errors, following the above procedures can help reduce the number of errors and improve the user experience on the site Email.

Finally, we should all note that 404 is not a human error, it is part of the browsing process on the Internet, and it can be easily resolved by re- Try again or contact technical support if the problem persists.